HEDBERG, Samuel Enoch (Enok). Bellö near Jönköping 19.9.1871 — Lund 17.4.1945 (1947?). Rev. Swedish Missionary in India. Son of Samuel Fredrik Olofsson and Anna Lena Olofsson. Went to India in 1905. Served Evangeliska Fosterlandsstiftelsen, then Alliansmissionen. After return in 1909 minister in Sweden. Dr.Phil. of an American university. Married 1905 Emma Malmroos (d. 1908) and 1911 Helene Tapper (1877–1964), with whom one daughter and one son.
Publications: Transl. “Ur Tulsi Das’ Ramadikt”, N. Söderblom (ed.), Främmande Religionsurkunder. 2. Stockholm 1907, 657-674.
– Bilder från Harai. En Missionsstation i Gondernas land i Indien. 144 p. Missionsskrifter utg. af Ev. Fosterlandsst. 35. Stockholm 1910; Helg och söcken: bilder och skisser fran Evangeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsens missionsfält i Indien, under flera missionärers medverkan. 1-2. Stockholm 1911; Hinduerna. En hjord utan herde. Miss.skr. utg. af Ev. Fost.st. 38. Stockholm 1911; further mission books.
– “Proverbs And Riddles Current Among The Bhils of Khandesh With An Introduction, Translation and Notes”, JAnthrSocBombay 13, 1924-28, 854-892; “The celebrations of Divali by the Newa Bhils”, JAnthrSocBombay 14, 1928-32, 364-399.
– I hjärtat av Bhillandet: Svenska alliansmissionens verksamhet i Khandesh. 581 p. Jönköping 1930.
– Translated Christian religious texts into Bhili and Marathi.
Sources: http://collections.smvk.se/carlotta-em/web/object/1176986 with photo; family details in geni.com; works from stray notes in Internet.
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