DE MAGISTRIS, Hyacinthus (Giaccinto). near Cremona 1605 — Goa 11.11.1668. S.J. Pater. Italian Missionary in India. Entered S.J. in 1626. After 7 years’ studies of humanities in Italy left for India for the rest of his life. Worked in Cranganore, South India (in 1644-49 secretary and confessor of the Archbishop), and as an envoy of his order visited several times Europe (1660-61 in Rome) and once Brazilia (1663). He returned to India, bringing a printing press with Tamil types for Ambazhakkad Jesuit college. Finally prefect in Goa. In his book he dealt with the most recent history (1656-59).
Publications: Relatione della Christianità di Madurè. 385 p. Roma 1661; French transl. by J. Machault, Relation derniere de ce qvi s’est passé dans les royaumes de Maduré, de Tangeor, & autres lieux voisins du Malabar. P. 1663.
Sources: *Jöcher 3; Sommervogel 5, 314; *B.U. 26; P., N.B.G. 32, 1860, 705.
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