DE STEFANI, Eduardo Luigi

DE STEFANI, Eduardo Luigi. Naples 4.6.1869 — Rome 10.9.1921 (hardly 1913?). Italian Linguist (Greek Scholar) interested in Indology. Professor in Rome. After studies at Florence under Pavolini he was appointed in 1910 the “incaricato dell’ insegnamento della grammatica latina e greca” at R. Università di Roma and stayed there until his death.

Publications: “La novellina jainica di Madirāvatī”, GSAI 13, 1900, 1-26 & 217-220.

Works on Greek philology, especially on palaeography and manuscript traditions.

Sources: Gli Studi Orientali in Italia 1861-1911; Gabrieli, Bibliografia; German Wikipedia briefly.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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