IVERSEN, Ragnvald. Tromsø 18.1.1882 — Trondheim 21.8.1960. Norwegian Linguist. Son of Anton Christian I., a carpenter, and Emilie Jacobsen. Studies at Kristiania (Oslo), cand.phil. 1910. Worked as teacher inn Arendal and Hønefoss. Ph.D. 1921 (diss. on Norwegian). In 1922-52 Professor of Norwegian at Norges Lærerhøgskole (Teachers’ College) in Trondheim. Married 1915 Clara Brodersen (1878–1921) and 1932 Torborg Tjernström (1909–2001), with whom he had one daughter and one son.
Publications: A grammar of Old Norse (1923) and other works on Norwegian.
– Secret Languages in Norway. 1-3. Oslo 1944-50 (1. The Romany Language in Norway. 275 p. 1944).
Sources: Hovdhaugen et al. 2000, 461; T. Bull, Norsk biogr. leksikon (online 2009); Wikipedia with photo.
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