DEYDIER, Henri. 1922 — near Luang Prabang 4.12.1954. French Archaeologist and Art Historian. During WW 2 active in resistance. Studies of Indology (under Foucher) and South-East and East Asian studies (Maspéro) in Paris, diplom of É.P.H.É. in 1950. During WW II active in the Résistance. From 1950 at É.F.E.O. in Hanoi, now specialized in Laotian civilization, with a special interest in the Laotian versions of the Paññāsajātaka and the Rāmāyaṇa. Died in an aeroplane accident in Laos. Married, children.

Publications: Contribution à l’étude de l’art du Gandhāra. Essai de bibliographie analytique et critique des ouvrages parus de 1922 à 1949. 325 p. P. 1950 (diss.).

– “La date de Kaniṣka, l’art de Gandhāra et la chronologie du Nord-Ouest de l’Inde”, JA 239, 1951, 133-151.

Introduction à la connaissance du Laos. 140 p. Saigon 1952; Lokapāla. Génies, totems et sorciers du Nord Laos. 242 p. P. 1954.

– “Dans les Sip Song P’a Na”, France-Asie 98, 1954, 825-854; some brief articles and reviews, mostly in BEFEO.

Sources: *P. Dupont, Revue arch. 6:45, 1955, 220-222; J. Filliozat, BEFEO 48, 1957, 602-606 with photo and bibliography; *Arts as. 1, 1954, 228f.; Chercheurs 94.

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