D’JAKONOV, Mihail Mihajlovič

D’JAKONOV, Mihail Mihajlovič. St.Petersburg 13.(26.)6.1907 — Moscow 8.6.1954. Russian Historian of the Ancient World. Son of an official. Grew up in Norway. Studies in Oslo (1924-26) and Leningrad, graduated 1930. Kand. ist. nauk 1937, Dr. ist. nauk 1946. In 1930-31 naučnyj sotrudnik at Samarkand Museum and Uzbek Academy Oriental Institute, in 1931-41 and 1945-53 at Hermitage. In 1941-44 in army. In 1931-41 also taught at Leningrad University and I. E. Repin Institute, in 1944-45 and 1953-54 at Moscow Uni­ver­sity. Docent 1938, Professor 1949. His brother was the famous Assyriologist Igor’ Mihajlovič D’jakonov (1914/15–1999). Married with Evgenija Jur’evna Hin (1905–1970).

Publications: At least 100 publications; kand.diss. Širvanskij vodolej. Manuscript of 1206 g. Lg. 1937; dr. diss. Očerki po istorii drevnego Irana. 1-2. MS. of 567 p. M.-Lg. 1944-46.

Iranskie miniatjury v rukopisjah Šahname. 90 p. M.-Lg. 1935; Ferdousi. Žizn’ i tvorčestvi. 137 p. M.-Lg. 1940.

– “Rospisi Pjandžikenta i živopis’ Srednej Azii”, Živopis’ drevnego Pjandžikenta. M. 1954, 83-158.

U istokov drevnej kul’tury Tadžikistana. 139 p. Stalinabad 1956.

Očerk istorii drevnego Irana. 444 p. M. 1961.

Sources: *L.S. Bretanickij, NAA 1967:3, 188-191; Miliband 1995; Russian Vikipedija.

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