KILIAN, Lothar

KILIAN, Lothar. Nidden (Nida near Klaipeda) 12.10.1911 — 12.3.2000 or 1999. German Archaeologist and IE Scholar. Ph.D. 1939 Königsberg. Participated in WW II, was war prisoner and only returned in 1949. In 1951-54 Assistant at Bonn. From 1957 kustos in Landesmuseum Trier. After retiring living in Bonn. Both Lithuanian sources claim he was only born in 1922, but then 1939 seems impossible for Ph.D. The list of prehistoric scholars in German Wikipedia gives 1911 as birth year.
Publications: “Das Siedlungsgebiet der Balten in der älteren Bronzezeit” Altpreussen 4, 1939, 107-114; Haffenküstenkultur und Ursprung der Balten. 320 p. Bonn 1955; Schnurkeramik und Ockergrabkultur. 63 p. Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistyksen aikakauskirja 59:2. Helsinki 1957; Mittelrußland Urheimat der Balten? 72 p. Speyer 1988; further publications on Baltic archaeology.
– Zum Ursprung der Indogermanen. Forschungen aus Linguistik, Prähistorie und Anthropologie. 178 p. 66 ill. Habelt Sachbuch 3. Bonn 1983.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet; D. Ivoška in Acta Linguistica Lithuania 74, 2016, 210f.; (in Lithuanian) with photo; briefly Wikipedia with photo.

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