KRICK, Nicolas Michel. Lixheim en Meurthe, Lorraine 1.3.1819 — 1.9.1854. Father. French Missionary in North-East India. Son of tailor Michel Krick and Élisabeth Dubourg (d. 1826). From 1839 studies at the seminary of Nancy, ordained priest 1844 and began work as vicar in Lorraine. In 1848 joined Missions étrangères de Paris and in 1850 was sent with three others to attempt to reach Tibet. Before this he had learned the elements of Tibetan from Foucaux. Stationed in Guwahati. After several unsuccesful attempts he finally succeeded crossing the border in January 1852, but was soon expelled. After another solitary expedition to Abors in 1853 he fell seriously ill and recovered slowly in Nowgong. During a renewed attempt with Augustin Bourry, again through Mishmi territory, they both were assasinated by Mishmis close to Tibetan border, but details are unclear. Of Tibet he saw very little, but he also preached to Abors and Mishmis and described their customs. In this he was an important pioneer.
Publications: Relation d’un voyage au Thibet en 1852 et d’un voyage chez les Abors en 1853. 229 p. 1854.
Sources: Long article in French Wikipédia with drawing.
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