LEEPER, Frederick James. Dublin 1831 — Vernham Dean, Wiltshire 16.1.1906. Rev. British (Irish?) Missionary in South India. Went to India in 1856, trained in Madras, ordained deacon 1857, priest 1860. Worked in Tinnevelly, Secunderabad, Kumbakonam, Tranquebar and Cuddalore. Retired in 1881, from 1887 curate of Vernham Dean. Married 1857 Mary Catharine Roberts, children. Mary died in 1891 in Vernham Dean.
Publications: Transl. “The Naladiyar”, IA 2, 1873, 218-223, 267-271, 324-331, 344-352.
Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet; life dates in findagrave.com.
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