LILLINGSTON, Frank (also called Lillington). Tysse near Bergen, Norway 2.8.1872 — Aylsham, Norfolk 7.9.1909. Rev. British Clergyman. Son of Rev. Claude Augustus L. (1836–1905), who had emigrated to Norway in 1865, and Edith Pares. Studies at Cambridge. B.A. 1894, M.A. 1898. Ordained priest 1897. In 1897-98 Theological Lecturer at Selwyn College, Cambridge (lectured on Hebrew and O.T.), then Curate in Minver (Cornwall, 1898-1900) and Heavitree (Devon, 1900-02). In 1902-09 Rector of Sall, Norfolk, also Inspector of Schools. Married 1902 Elsie Campbell (1879–1941), one daughter.
Publications: The Brahmo Samaj and Arya Samaj in Their Bearing Upon Christianity: A Study in Indian Theism. 16+120 p. L. 1901 (Christian criticism).
Sources: Alumni Cantabrigienses; stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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