MACKINTOSH, Alexander. 1??? — 1???. British Colonial Officer in India. Captain in Madras army commanding Ahmednagar local corps (1834/37). Major 1837. Wrote aboutRamoshi, a migratory tribe.
Publications: An Account of the Origin and Present Condition of the Tribe of Ramoossies: including the life of chief Domain Naik. 4+253 p. Bombay 1833.
– “A Sketch of the History of Ramoossies, residing in the Sattarah Territory and in the Poona and Ahmednuggur Districts”, MJLS 1, 1834, 126-159, 206-243 & 2, 1835, 1-40, 105-137, 191-246; “An account of the Maun Bhows; or, the black clothed Mendicant Devotees”, MJLS 3, 1836, 9-26; “An Accout of the Tribe of Mhadeo Kolies”, MJLS 5, 1837, 71-112, 238-279.
Sources: No further information found.
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