MANUEL, Thomas Philip

MANUEL, Thomas Philip. 1??? — 1???. A person who seems to defy all attempt of identification. The short preface to his 1860 book is signed at Hooghly College. One Th.Ph.M., aged 31, died 23.12.1867. He is said to have been regular contributor to the Bengal Catholic Herald.

Publications:  Gool-i-Bukawalee. Trams. from the Original Oordoo into English prose and Verse and followed by a Vocabulary of the difficult Words and Phrases occurring in the Text. 60 p. Calcutta 1859.

– The Ikhwan-oos-suffa. Translated from the original Oordoo into English prose, and followed by a Vocabulary of the difficult Words … occurring in the Text. 52 p.  Calcutta 1860 (vocabulary separately, 1862).

The Khirud-Ufroz. Translated from the Oordoo into English, and followed by a Vocabulary of the difficult Words and Phrases occurring in the text. 49 p. Calcutta 1861 (selections only).

– Poetry of our Indian Poets. Calcutta 1861.

– Transl. from Urdū: The Rose of Bakawali. 216 p. Lucknow 1889.

Sources: The only Th.Ph.M. found is in A. Gille, A Record of the Inscriptions at the Catholic Church at Patna. Patna 1917, 33, no. 56, but nothing shows him to be the author of the books.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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