MÖHRKE, Edwin. 1??? — 1960?. German Student of Indology. In 1923 he was student of philology at Marburg (joined D.M.G.). Ph.D. 1934 Königsberg. In 1934 living in Berlin (again joined D.M.G.). Possibly turned into a journalist (press articles in 1937 & 1948 on theatre, and 1955). Dr. E.M., a journalist, died in 1959/60.

Publications: Diss. Vallabhadeva’s Commentar zu Kālidāsa’s Kumārasambhava (1–7) in seinem Verhältnis zu anderen Commentaren vornehmlich zu dem Mallinātha. 14+73 p. Würzburg 1933.

Sources: Guesses from scanty hints in Internet; diss. in Janert.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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