ETTINGHAUSEN, Maurice Leon. Paris 25.1.1883 — Oxford, England 14.11.1974. French (Jewish) student of Indology. Son of Herman Lionel E. and Henriette M. Oppenheimer. Ph.D. 1906 Paris. Later worked as antiquarian bookseller in Paris and New York and after WW II in the U.K. Famous bibliophile. Married Hedwig Kahn (1886–1966), two sons and one daughter, then Beatrice Maud (1902–1993).

Publications: Diss. Harṣa Vardhana, empereur et poète de l’Inde septentrionale (606–648 A.D.). Étude sur sa vie et son temps. 10+194 p. P. 1906.

Rare books and royal collectors: memoirs of an antiquarian bookseller. 220 p. N.Y. 1966.

Sources: Stray notes in internet.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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