NEWTON, John. Doylestown, PA 1.10.1810 — Murree, Punjab 2.7.1891. Rev. U.S. Presbyterian Missionary in India. M.A. Joined American Presbyterian Ludhiana Christian Mission and arrived at Ludhiana in 1835. From 1849 worked in the newly annexed Lahore together with his future son-in-law C. F. Forman. Married Elizabeth Popham Janvier (1812–1857), several children (the youngest was —> E. P. Newton).
Publications: A Grammar of the Panjabi Language, with Appendices. 112 p. Lodiana 1851, 2nd ed. 1866, 3rd ed. 1893.
– Dictionary of the Panjabi Language, prepared by a Committee of the Lodiana Mission. Completed and ed. by L. Janvier. 444 p. Lodiana 1854.
– Translated part of the New Testament (Gospels and Acts) into Pañjābī. 1868; other religious works in Pañjābī and Urdū.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet.
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