FAUCHE, Hippolyte. 23.5.1795 (or 1797) — Juilly (Seine-et-Marne) 28.2.1869. French Author and Translator of Sanskrit Classics. Born in Juilly or Auxerre, spent most of his life in Juilly. He attended Burnouf’s classes, developed a great interest in Sanskrit literature and spent the last 20 years of his life translating its classics. His earlier literary ventures had not been succesful and he had financial difficulties, but scholars like —> Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire and Michaud supported and advertised him. He did a great work, although his translations are often very free and also full of errors.
Publications: Le fablier français ou choix des fabulistes français. 318 p. P. 1830; Panthéon, poème théologique. 35+277 p. P. 1842; La sœur Gabrielle. 1-2. P. 1844 (novel); Poucet et Poucette, ou la suite d’un conte bleu. 159 p. Meaux 1852; Jésus enfant. Étude historique d’après l’Évangile apocryphe de l’enfance. 121 p. P. 1850; translated. Anacréon. P. 1831 (metric) & 28+178 p. P. 1835 (prose, with Greek text).
– Translated: Le Gītāgovinda et le Ritou-sanhara. 9+200 p. P. 1850; Bhartṛhari et Tchaaura ou la Pantchaçika du second et les sentences. 208 p. P. 1852 (with Caurapañcāsikā); Kalidasa: Œuvres complètes. 1-2. 483+31+439 p. P. 1859-60; Une Tétrade, quatre ouvrages de genres différentes. 1-3. P. 1861-63 (Mṛcchakaṭika, Daśakumāracarita, Mahimnastava, and Śiśupālavadha).
– Translated: Râmâyana, poëme sanscrit de Valmiki. 1-9. P. 1854-58; Abrégé de Rāmāyana. 1-2. 1869, 2nd ed. 1892.
– Transl.: Le Mahâ-Bhârata, poème épique de Krishna-Dwaipayana, plus communément appelé Veda-Vyâsa. 1-10. P. 1863-70 (until the end of Parvan VIII).
Sources: Windisch 142; L. Martal, D.B.F. fasc. 75, 1972; S. Lévi, Grande Encyclopédie 17, 36f.; Catal. gen. de la libr. fr. 2, 1840-1865; data.bnf.fr; *Revue orientale Mars 1869, 158f.; briefly French Wikipédia (b. 1797).
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