OUVRY, Henry Aimé. 10.3.1813 — 12.2.1899. British Colonial Officer in India. Of a Huguenot family, son of Peter Aimé Ouvry (d. 1830) and Sarah Amelia Delamain. Served in India. Major of 9th Light Dragoons, from 1858 Colonel (still 1868). Member or R.A.S. Married 1854 Mathilda Hannah Delamain (d. 1897), one daughter.
Publications: Ritu sanhara; or, Assemblage of seasons, ascribed to Kalidasa; memorable for being the first work ever printed in Sanscrit; tr. from the Sanscrit into English for the first time. 7+56 p. L. 1867.
– The Megha Dūta, or, Cloud Messenger, by Kālidāsa. Translated into English prose. 8+68 p. L. 1868; Le Megha Duta ou Le nuage messager. Traduit du Sanscrit en français avec un commentaire. 8+63 p. London 1869.
– Shir ha-shirim = The song of songs: a Hebrew pastoral drama, not by King Solomon: with notes and illustrations. 87 p. L. 1887 (with English paraphrases of the Song of Solomon, Gītagovinda, and extracts from the Muʻallaqāt).
– Cavalry Experiences And Leaves From My Journal. 7+235 p. Lymington 1892 (“Letters & Journals of a British Cavalry Officer During the Second Sikh War & Indian Mutiny”).
– Books and translations not related to India, on military matters, politics, etc., also literary.
Sources: geneanet.org and stray notes in Internet including scans of both Meghadūta versions.
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