PEARSE, Thomas Deane. 1738 (1741/42?) — on the Ganges 15.6.1789. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of Royal Navy Captain Thomas Pearse and Martha Purvis (1713–1762), of Reading. After Military Academy in Woolwich joined Royal Artillery 1761. In 1768 transferred to E.I.C.’s service and became Major in Bengal army. Colonel 1779, commanding the new Sepoy corps campaigned 1781-85 in Orissa, Northern Sircars and Carnatic. Colonel and commandant of artillery at the time of his death. He was a friend of Warren Hastings. Married Punna Purree, a Musmim woman, one son, also some illegitimate children.
Publications: “Astronomical observations near Fort William and between Madras and Calcutta”, As. Res.1, 1789, 47-109.
– “On two Hindu Festivals, and the Indian Sphinx”, As. Res. 2, 1790, 8° repr. L. 1799, 333-335.
Sources: Tombstone in C.R. Wilson, List of Inscriptions on Tombs and Monuments in Bengal. Calcutta 1896, 169 (no. 640); B.H.S[oulsby], D.N.B. 44, 1895, 160 (b. 1738); mother’s details in; Wikipedia (b. 1738).
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