FERRERO DE GUBERNATIS (y Ventimiglia), Onorio. Turn 21.6.1908 — Lima 1989. Italian Oriental Scholar in Peru, interested in Indian Religion. Born in a noble family. Active Anti-Fascist, moved to Peru in 1942 (or 1948?) with his family. Taught Oriental languages and cultures at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and from 1952 at Catholic University of Peru, retired 1976. Married Lucía Bosio Mazzetti, two children.
Publications: Le jugement des morts en Sources Orientales. P. 1961.
– Translated the Tao Te Ching from Chinese to Spanish, Lima 1972.
– Articles on history of religions, including Tibetan Buddhism (“Con los lamas tibetanos en Rikkón”, Humanidades 4, 1970-71).
– Own poetry; writings on European literature.
Sources: *Homenaje a Onorio Ferrero. 24 p. Lima 1991; briefly in Spanish Wikipedia (nothing further in Internet); photo in
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