PHILLIPS, Jeremiah

PHILLIPS, Jeremiah. Plainfield, NY 5.1.1812 — Hillsdale, Mich. 9.12.1879. Rev. U.S. Baptist Missionary in India. Son of Parley Phillips and Hannah Crumb, both died in 1835. Graduated from Hamilton Literary & Theological Institution (future Colgate University). In 1835 ordained priest and missionary. Arrived at Calcutta in 1836 and was stationed in Mayurbhanj, then in Sambalpur, soon in Balasore and 1840 in Jellasore. Worked with Santals and was involved in the creation of written language for them (using Bengali letters). Because of health problems returned and lived in a farm in Midwest in 1855-65, then again in India. Retired in 1879 and returned to the U.S.A., but died soon. Married 1835 Mary Spaulding Beede (1810–1837), 1839 Mary Ann Grimsditch (d. 1840) and 1841 Hannah M. Cummings (1818–1907), twin sons (—> James L. Ph.) with the second and eight children with the third wife.

Publications: A Santali Primer. Calcutta 1845; An Introduction to the Sāntāl Language, consisting of a Grammar, Reading Lessons, and a Vocabulary. 8+190 p. Calcutta 1852.

– The Sántáls. 1854.

– Translated parts of the Bible into Santali.

Sources: *H.Pr.Ph. Stone, Family Record of J.Ph., D.D., missionary to Orissa. 46 p. 1913; with 2 photos; Wikipedia.

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