RAE, George Milne. Udny, Aberdeenshire 2.9.1840 — Edinburgh 24.3.1917. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary in South India. Son of John Rae (1800–1856) and Isobel Milne. Studies at Aberdeen (M.A. 1863). Ordained as missionary in 1867. Taught at Madras Christian College and Madras University. Retired 1891 and settled in Edinburgh. D.D. 1893. Married Janet Gibb (1844–1933), later known as a novelist, two sons and two daughters. In his book he rejected the theory of Apostle Thomas preaching in India.
Publications: “The Legend of St. Thomas”, Madras Journal of Literature and Science 1888-89, 1-22.
– The Syrian Church in India. 12+388 p. Edinburgh 1892.
– Wrote on mission and the Bible.
Sources: findagrave.com; wife in Wikipedia as Janet Milne Rae.
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