RHYS, Ernest Percival. Islington, London 17.6.1859 — London 25.5.1946. British Publisher and Poet. Son of John Rees (as he wrote it) of Wales and Emma Percival. The family moved soon to Carmarthen (Wales), where the father worked as wine seller, and 1865 to Newcastle. After school there he became an apprentice in mining engineering, but soon turned to literature. From 1886 living in London as journalist. Married 1881 the Irish writer Grace Little (1865–1929), five children. Friend of Tagore, helped him with the English Sadhana.
Publications: Rabindranath Tagore. A Biographical Study. L. 1915.
– Poetry and other works, two autobiographies.
Sources: *K. Chubbuck, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia with photo, further references and a list of his works.
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