FROHNMEYER, Ludwig (or rather Leonhard?) Johannes. Ludwigsburg (Württemberg) 12.12.1850 — Basel 16.3.1921. Rev. German Missionary and Malayalam scholar. Son of Johann Gottlieb Fr. and Luise Henrieke Reuther. After teacher training in Nürtingen worked as teacher in Calw. Became missionary and worked for the Basel Mission in Kerala from 1876 until 1905, then inspector of missions in Basel. Fellow of Madras University. Hon. dr.theol. of Basel University. Married Marie Wilhelmine Bührer, two sons and one daughter.
Publications: A progressive grammar of the Malayalam language for Europeans. 16+307 p. Mangalore 1889; 2nd rev. ed. 321 p. Mangalore 1913.
– Über indische Schulwesen. 116 p. Basler Missions-Studien 31. Basel 1906.
– Die theosophische Bewegung, ihre Geschichte, Darstellung und Bearbeitung. 1920, 2nd ed. 148 p. Stuttgart 1923.
– Much on Christian religion and mission; textbooks in Malayālam.
Sources: Briefly in Deutsches biogr. Jb. 3, 298 with references to *Allgem. evang.-luth. Kirchenzeitung 239; *Allgem. Missionsschrift 110; *Dipper, Evang. Missionsmagazin 65, 121-130; *Schlosser, Die evang. Missionen 71-77.
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