FUCHS, Rudolf. Heidelberg 19.1.1877 — 1941. German Student of Indology. Son of Lazarus F., a Professor of Mathematics (1833–1902; originally a Jew from Posen, converted in 1860). Educated in Heidelberg and several Gymnasiums in Berlin, where his father had got a chair. Studied at Berlin classical and modern philology, soon comparative linguistics with Indian, Slavic and Germanic languages. A student of Pischel, also listened to Finck, Horowitz, Huth, F. W. K. Müller, Schulze, Sieg, Weber, Zimmer, Zupitza, etc. Additional studies of general linguistics and Sino-Tibetan languages. Ph.D. 1908 Berlin (under Pischel).
Publications: Diss. Specimen des Peṭakopadesa. 36 p. Halle 1908 (Introduction 5-12 and critical extracts 15-33).
Sources: Vita in diss.; death year in www.math.berlin/orte/graeber-fuchs-und-kronecker.html.
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