STUTTERHEIM, Willem Frederik

STUTTERHEIM, Willem Frederik. Rotterdam 27.9.1892 — Japanese camp in Indonesia 10.9.1942. Dutch Scholar of Indonesian Philology and Archaeology. Son of Christiaan Lodewijk Willem St. and Jacoba Sack. After school in Rotterdam studied 1911-14 Dutch at Utrecht. In 1914-18 military service. Now studies at Leiden. Ph.D. there 1924 under Krom. In 1924-26 in Archaeological Department, Java. In 1926-36 Director of Soerakarta (Surakarta) College. From 1937 Director of the Archaeological Survey of Indonesia. Married Louise Johanna Kettlitz (1896?–1975), one daughter.

Publications: Diss. publ. as Rāma-Legenden und Rāma-Reliefs in Indonesien. 1-2. Munich 1925, English transl. N.D. 1989.

– “Le jālalakṣaṇa de l’image du Bouddha”, AO 7, 1929, 232-237; “Note on Śāktism in Java”, AO 17, 1939, 144-152.

– Indian influences in old-Balinese art. 41 p. L. 1935.

– Wrote much on Indonesian history and antiquities, on Indian influence, often in Dutch.

Sources: *J.-Ph. Vogel, IC 13, 1946, 71; Dutch Indology homepage with small photo; family in

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