SUTTON, Amos. Sevenoaks, Kent 21.6.1802 — Cuttack (Katak) 17.8.1854. Rev. British Baptist Missionary in India. Arrived at Cuttack with his wife in 1825. The wife died very soon and he married later the widow of an American Baptist missionary. In 1833-35 they visited England and the U.S.A. to get support to the mission. They returned to Orissa with two American missionary couples. Hon. D.D. College of Waterville, U.S.A. Married Charlotte Collins (d. 1825), then Elizabeth Coleman.

Publications: An Introductory Grammar of the Oriya language. 10+130 p. Calcutta 1831.

– An Oriya Dictionary in three volumes. 1-3. Cuttack 1841-43 (1. Grammar; 2. Oṛiyā–English; 3. English–Oṛiyā).

– A Narrative of the Mission to Orissa (the site of the temple of Jugurnath). 8+424 p. Boston 1833.

– History of the mission to Orissa: the site of the temple of Juggernaut. 196 p. Philadelphia 1835.

– Orissa and its Evangelization. 396 p. 11 pl. Boston 1850.

– Translated religious books and the Bible into Oṛiyā, wrote textbooks and a collection of hymns.

Sources: Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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