GELPKE, Fritz Ludwig. Northeim, Hannover 29.12.1896 — 1945. German Indologist. Son of physician Joh. G. and Ottilie Doecks. Gymnasium in Northeim. Participated in WW I and never really recovered. Studies of Indology, Persian and ancient history at Göttingen (Wackernagel, Oldenberg, et al.) and Rostock. After a long interval because of a kidney illness Dr. phil. 1929 Göttingen (under Sieg). From 1932 Assistant, then from 1935 until death Custos in Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin. Obtained Professor’s title (1940 styled so). In a letter in 1946 to Waldschmidt, Kümmel as Gelpke’s director wrote that he had been long time mentally instabile. Soon after war he took poison.
Publications: Diss. Anantabhaṭṭa’s Padārthaprakāśa. Ein Kāṇva-Kommentar zum Vājasaneyi-Prātiśākhya. 63 pp. Göttingen 1929.
– Reviews: Renou’s Bibliographie védique, OLZ 36, 1933, 386-389; Waldschmidt’s Buddhistische Spätantike 7, DLZ 57, 1936, 480–484; J. J. Meyer’sTrilogie altindischer Mächte, ZfEthnol. 73, 1941, 117f. and of Paul Wirz’s Einsiedler auf Taprobane, ZfEthnol. 73, 1941, 421.
– “Epochen indischer Kunst / Epoche dell’arte indiana”, Berlin Rom Tokio. Monatsschrift für die Vertiefung der kulturellen Beziehungen der Völker des weltpolitischen Dreiecks 1/10, 1941, 21-24.
– With O. Kümmel edited the Ostasiatische Zeitschrift 27 (N.F. 17), 1941 — 28, 1942/43.
Sources: Mitgliedernachrichten in ZDMG 1944; not in D.G.K. nor in Dt. biogr. Archiv 1st & 2nd series, no works in the N.U.C.; birth and parents in; C. Dreyer, “‘Turfan’ und die Berliner Indologie”, Framke, Lötze, Strauch (ed.), Indologie und Südasienkunde in Berlin, Geschichte und Positionsbestimmung. Geschichte zur Gegenwart und Asiens 4. Berlin 2014, 57f.; stray notes. claims that he was born in Pekalongen (Java) as the son of Karl Otto G. and Anna Nahapiet, but himself he gives the above information in his diss. I thank Sven Ekelin who in December 2020 pointed this out and sent the Lebenslauf to me.
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