GIEDDE, Ove. Tommerup, (then Danish) 17.12.1594 — Copenhagen 19.12.1660. Danish Admiral. Son of Brostrup Giedde (d. 1614) and Dorthe Ulfeldt (d. 1622). In 1609-12 at a school of nobility in Sorø, 1612-14 at German universities. In 1618 he was ordered by the king to lead an expedition to India and found a factory for the newly founded (1616) Danish E.I.C. In 1620 he arrived to Ceylon, settled in Trincomalee and negotiated with the “emperor”, but soon moved to Trankebar, where the prince of Tanjore allowed privilegies. Return to Copenhagen in May 1621 – Febr. 1622. Now he lived many years in his manors, occasionally serving in the navy. In the 1643 war against Sweden again in navy, 1644 admiral, 1645 member of council (Rigsrådet) and Rigsadmiral. In 1651 he was accused for mistakes in 1644, and had therefore no more important positions (e.g. in the war 1657). Married 1622 Dorthe Urne (1600–1667), son Frederik G. (1641–1717), naval officer.
Publications: Fortegnelse paa alt, hvad paa den Indianske Reise forefalden er fra 14. Nov. til 4. Mart. 1622, and Forhandlinger med Keiseren af Ceilon, ed. by J. H. Schlegel in his Sammlungen zur Dänischen Geschichte. 1:2, 1773, 37-158 and 1:3, 1773, 29-117.
Sources: Th. Topsøe-Jensen, D.B.L. 3rd ed. 179-181; briefly mentioned by E. Payly, Køb. Univ. 8, 1992, 511; Wikipedia with portrait.
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