GINNEKEN, Jacques van

GINNEKEN, Jacques (Jacobus Johannes Antonius) van. Oudenbosch (North Brabant) 21.4.1877 — Nijmegen 20.10.1945. S.J. Dutch Linguist and Catholic Apologist. Professor in Nijmegen. Son of Pieter Josephus Hijronimus van G., a brewer, and Cornelia Jacoba van Aken. Educated at Katwijk and at klein-seminar in Cuzenborg. In 1895 joined the S.J. From 1902 studied Dutch at Leiden, Ph.D. 1907 under Uhlenbeck. Then studies of theology. From 1915 taught in Nijmegen, from 1923 at the new Catholic University as “Professor in de Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde, de vergelijkende Indogermaanse taalwetenschap en het Sanskrit” (apprently Schrijnen’s successor), until his death. He is known as a proponent for a psychological approach to linguistics. Taught Sanskrit and IE at Nijmegen.

Publications: Diss. Principes de linguistique psychologique. 552 p. Amsterdam 1907.

De oorzaken der taalveranderingen. 100 p. M.K.N.A.W. A2:61. 1925, 3rd ed. 89 p. M.K.N.A.W. A1:69. 1930; “Die Erblichkeit der Lautgesetze”, IF 45, 1929; Contribution à la grammaire comparée des langues du Caucase. 5+138 p. V.J.N.A.W. N.R. 42. Amsterdam 1938; La reconstruction typologique des langues archaïques de l’humanité. 182 p. Amsterdam 1939.

– “Die Erblichkeit der Lautgesetze”, IF 45, 1927, 1-44.

Much on Dutch and general linguistics, on Christian religion, etc.

Sources: P. Luykx, Biogr. Woordenboek van Nederl. 3, ’s-Gr. 1989, 199f.; *J. Noordegraaf, Lex. gramm. 1996, 344f. & Historiographia linguistica 29, 2002, 145–163.; *M. Sobieszczanski, “Contribution du R. P. Jacq. Van G. S. J. à la linguistique moderne”, Histoire Épistémologie Langage 12, 1990, 133-151; J. Wis, *Lingua 1, 1948, 133-139 (republ. in Sebeok 1966:2, 447-454); *Mélanges de linguistique offerts à J. van G. P. 1937 (with bibliography); Wikipedia (more details and photo in Dutch version) with further references; three other photos in

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