VOYSEY, Henry Wesley

VOYSEY, Henry Wesley. Salisbury, Wiltshire 16.10.1791 — Sulkea Ghat 19.4.1824. British Physician, Geologist and Mineralogits in India. Son of Baptist minister Henry Voysey (1753–1829?) and Ann Maria Annesley Ellison (d. 1836). Studied medicine and geology in London and Aberdeen. Dr. In 1815 served as military hospital assistant, then left for India. In 1818 joined the Trigonometrical Survey of India. He completed a map of Hyderabad for E.I.C. (not preserved) and made geological investigations. However, his medical training impended his promotion as geologist and he resigned, but died soon of “jungle fever”. Unmarried. The published notes had been written in 1821-23.

Publications: A few geological articles in As. Res. 18, 1833 and JASB 2, 1833.

– “Vocabulary of Goand and Cole Words”, JASB 13:1, 1844, 19-23 (Gondi & Cole = Kurku) , claimed to be republ. in J. Campbell’s The Ethnology of India. JASB 35:2 Suppl. Calcutta 1866, Appendix F, 266ff., but in the archive.org scan of this book the vocabulary is ascribed to E. T. Dalton, and nothing to Voysey.

Sources: *D. Moore, Henry Voysey. 2004; Wikipedia with portrait and further references; place and date of birth in genealogy.links.org.

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