GOLDSCHMIDT, Siegfried Samson. Kassel 29.10.1844 — Strassburg 31.1.1884. German Indologist. Professor in Strassburg. Born in a Jewish family, son of Philipp Samson G. (1807–1846), a banker, and Minna Hertz (1817–1886), perhaps related (but not closely) to —> Paul G. After gymnasium in Kassel, studies at Leipzig, Berlin (Weber) and Tübingen (Roth). Ph.D. 1867 Tübingen (or Berlin?). Further studies at Göttingen (Benfey) and Paris, then participated in the Franco-German war. From 1871 ao. Professor für Sanskrit at Strassburg (without habilitation), 1881 ord. From 1881 he suffered of spinal consumption and was often unable to give his lectures. Married Anna Meier (1854–1???) and had two daughters and one son, after his death she married —> H. Hübschmann.

Publications: Diss. 1867 publ. as “Der siebente Prapāṭhaka des Sāmaveda-Ârcika des Naigeya-Çākhā”, MbBeAW 1868, 228-248.

Review of Delbrück’s De usu Dativi, GGA 1868, 601-609.

Small articles on Prākrit grammar in ZDMG 28, 1874, 491-493 & 29, 1875, 491-495 & 30, 1876, 779; word studies as “Prâkṛtica”, ZDMG 32, 1878, 99-112 and “Prâkṛitische miscellen“, KZ 25, 1881, 436-438, 610-617 & 26, 1883, 103-112, 327f. & 27, 1885, 336, further KZ 24, 1879, 426 & ZDMG 37, 1883, 457f.

Prâkṛtica. 32 p. Strassburg 1879.

Rāvaṇavaha oder Setubandha. Hrsg. von S. G. Mit Wortindex von S. und P. G. 1-2. 354 p. Strassburg 1880-84.

Sources: Jüdisches Lexikon 2, 2nd ed. 1968; J. Klatt, short bio-bibliography in Literaturblatt für Orientalische Bibliographie 1, 1883-84, 379-380; not in A.D.B., N.D.B.; M. Knüppel, “Der Indologe S.G. (1844–1884) – ein vergessener Sohn der Stadt Kassel”, Zeitscrift des Vereins. für hessische Gesch. und Landeskunde 119, 2014, 171-176 in, with photo; Wikipedia; photo in Rau 136.

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