GRACIAS, Bernardino

GRACIAS, Bernardino João Salvador. Nova Goa (Panaji) 1.4.1889 — Lisbon 17.9.1966. Portuguese Linguist and Indologist. Born in India, son of José António Ismael Gracias and Maria Lucina Pacheco, of ancient Portuguese family in Goa. Came to Portugal in 1910 and studied German, law, archival and military sciences, etc. in Lisbon. Licenciado 1917 (German) and 1922 (law). Also studied Arabic, and Sanskrit under Dalgado. In the 1920s and 1930s taught English and German at Lycees of Santarém, Macao, Setúbal and Lourenço-Marques (now Maputo in Mozambique). Retired in 1956. Married 1921 Maria dos Anjos de Sá Regallo, two daughters.

Publications: Música Indú. Lisbon 1917.

Transl. from Sanskrit: Xacuntalá: drama sanscrito de Calidaça. 175 p. Coimbra 1919; A nuvem mensageira. Lisbon 1925 (Meghadūta).

De teatro na literatura indo-arica. Coimbra 1928.

Articles in the O Oriente Português and other Portuguese publications.

– Diss. O lugar do inglês no quadro geral das línguas indo-europeias. 1920; and other works on Germanistics.

Sources: Grande Enc. Portuguesa e Brasileira 12, 654f.; Portuguese Wikipedia; geni.con with small photo.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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