ZENKER, Julius Theodor. Ehrenfriedersdorf in Erzgebirge, Sachsen 1811 — Thurn, Erzgebirge 28.6.1884. German Oriental Scholar. Son of Rev. Friedrich Christlieb Zenker (d. 1843). Studies of Oriental languages at Leipzig, Göttingen and Berlin, then also in Paris. Ph.D. PD 1846 Rostock, but seeing his future there too uncertain moved soon to Leipzig and abandoned academic career. The rest of his life living in Leipzig as private scholar. Married Auguste von Rehbinder, father of Georg Augist Zenker (1855–1922), a Biologist.
As PD at Rostock in 1846 Zenker announced Sanskrit course for the next semester, but moved away before its beginning. His Oriental Bibliography was much appreciated because of its exactness and comprehensiveness.
Publications: Hab.diss. De versione arabica Categoriarum Aristotelis. Lipsiae 1846, also edited the same text.
– Much on Turkish; bibliographies; translated books on Oriental topics from Russian and English.
– Bibliotheca orientalist. Manuel de bibliographie orientale. 1-2. Lp. 1845-61 (2. including Indian, Tibetan and Parsi literature).
– Dictionnaire turc-arabe-persan. 1-2. 980 p. Lp. 1866-76 (Lief. 1 1862).
Sources: Fück 1955, 245f.; H. Klenz, A.D.B. 45, 1900, 62-64; German Wikipedia briefly.
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