ZEUNER, Frederick Everard (Friedrich Eberhard). Berlin 8.3.1905 — London 5.11.1963. German Archaeologist in the U.K. Studies of Geology and Paleontology at Berlin, Tübingen and Breslau. Ph.D. 1928 Breslau, worked there as Assistant. PD 1931 Freiburg i.Br. With his Jewish wife Etta emigrated to England in 1934 and was employed in British Museum. From 1936 Lecturer in Geochronology and from 1946 Professor of Environmental Archaeology at University of London, taught there until his death. D.Sc. 1942 London. Died of a cardiac arrest.
Publications: Stone Age and Pleistocene Chronology in Gujarat. 46 p. 14 fig. Deccan College Monogr. Ser. 6. Poona 1950; Prehistory in India: Four Broadcast Talks on Early Man. 39 p. Poona 1951.
– “The Microlithic Industry of Langhnaj, Gujarat”, Man 52, 1952, 129-131, 1 pl.; with B. Allchin: “The microlithic sites of Tinnevelly District, Madras State”, Ancient India 12, 1956, 4-20.
– Also wrote much on geochronology, domestication of animals, insects in archaeology.
Sources: Wikipedia (see also German version).
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