ZAJADACZ-HASTENRATH, Salome  (née Hastenrath). Budapest 1932 — 4.6.1998. Hungarian (German) Art Historian. Daughter of German parents living in Hungary, grew up as bilingual, lost her father in 1944. The family returned to Rhineland and after matriculation there she studied in 1951-53 at Pedagogical Academy in Aachen, then teacherin Köln. From 1956 studied art history at Köln and Bonn. Ph.D. 1965 Köln. In 1970-76 the family lived in Karachi, Pakistan because of her husband’s work and thus she became familiar with Indo-Islamic art. Conducted fieldwork and visited India, Afghanistan and Iran. Married 1965 Paul Zajadacz (b. 1929), an economist, at least one daughter.

Publications: Diss. Das Beichtgestühl der Antwerpener St.Pauluskirche und der Barockbeichtstuhl in den Südlichen Niederlanden. 1965, publ. 12+233 p. Brussels 1970.

– “Die Manticora, ein Fabeltier aus Indien”, Aachener Kunstblätter 41, 1971, 173-181; “Fabelwesen”, Reallexikon zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte 6, 1973, 739-816.

– Chaukhandigräber. Studien zur Grabkunst in Sind und Baluchistan. 11+103 p. 24 pl. Wb. 1978, also in English transl. 2003.

– “Apropos the Sindhi Pillarettes”, Pak. Arch. 24, 1989, 287-292; “Islamic Funerary Enclosures in Sind”, Islamic Art 4, 1991, 247-292; “Die frühesten Grabumfriedungen in Sind: Ursprung und Überlieferung”, Central Asiatic Journal 36, 1992, 282-295; “Some remarks on the historical development of Makli Hill Necropolis and its stone monuments”, T. S. Maxwell (ed.), Eastern Approaches: Essays on Asian Art and Archaeology. Delhi 1992, ??-??; “A Note on Babur’s Lost Funerary Enclosure at Kabul”, Muqarnas 14, 1997, 135-142.

– Also wrote on European art.

Sources: U. Nilgen & K.-H. Golzio, ZDMG 150, 2000, 11-16 with photo; Journal of the Pak. Hist. Soc. 47, 1999, 99.

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