GREN, Erik Idor Theander. Karlstadt 3.10.1904 — Uppsala 26.11.1959. Swedish Historian and Numismatician. Librarian in Uppsala. Son of Samuek Theander and Erika Gren. Studies at Uppsala. From 1931 worked in University Library in Uppsala, in the end as Assistant Librarian. From 1941 also PD of classical history at Uppsala University. Originally a classical scholar, whose interest in Byzantium led him to study Armenian and Georgian sources. Also developed early an interest in India, independently studied Portuguese travel accounts. His collection of Oriental coins is kept in Uppsala University. Married Greta Jacobsson (1903–1983), four children, the Indologist Gunilla Gren-Eklund.
Publications: Diss. Kleinasien und der Ostbalkan in der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung der römischen Kaiserzeit. 40+172 p. UUÅ 1941:9. Uppsala 1941.
– Der Münzfund von Viminacium. 64 p. Uppsala & Lp. 1934; Grekland. 267 p. Kulturländernas historia. Stockholm 1957.
– Indien. Kulturländernas historia. Stockholm 1959, 2nd ed. 351 p. St. 1969; reviews of books on Indian subjects in Lychnos.
Sources: G. Karlsson, Or. Suec. 9, 1960, 3-6; briefly German Wikipedia;; information given by his daughter.
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