AULOVA, Rena Aronovna

AULOVA, Rena Aronovna (née Sandova). Samarkand 30.1.1927 — Tashkent ?.10.1997. Uzbekistanian Hindi Teacher. Daughter of an official, Aron Ribievič Sandov. In 1949 she was the first to graduate from Taškent in Oriental Studies. Kand. ped. nauk 1973. Docent 1979, teaching at Dept. of Indian Philology, Oriental Faculty, Taškent. Married journalist Al’bert Aulov.

Publications: Kand.diss. (publ.) Učebnik jazyka hindi. 252 p. Taškent 1969.

Posobne po domašn. Čteniju dlja studentov 2 kursa (Jazyk hindi). 98 p. Taškent 1982.

Učebnik hindi. 110 p. Taškent 1985.

Sources: Miliband 1995; death in; with two photos.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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