HACKIN, Joseph Gaspard

HACKIN, Joseph Gaspard. Boevange-sur-Attert (Luxemburg) 8.11.1885 (or 1886?) — on sea 24.2.1941. French (born Luxemburgian) Officer and Archaeologist of Afghanistan, also interested in Tibet. Son of a coachman, the family moved to Normandy when he was one year old. French citizen 1912. Studies in Paris (including Sanskrit and Tibetan), diplomes from É.L.O.V. and École libre des sciences politiques, then 1912 from É.P.H.É. Among his teachers were Lévi, Finot, Chavannes and Pelliot. From 1907 secretary of Émile Guimet, in 1914 joined voluntarily French army as common soldier, in 1917 Lieutenant. Ph.D. (docteur-ès-lettres) 1916 Paris. From 1913 Conservateur adjoint, from 1923 conservator in Musée Guimet. Originally interested in Chinese and Tibetan (Buddhist) art. In 1922 started archaeological work on Afghanistan, in 1924-25 (with Foucher) and 1929-30 carried excavations there. In 1930-33 Director of Maison franco-japonaise in Tokyo, also participated as archaeologist 1931-32 in Citroën‘s Central Asian expedition. From 1928 also Professor of Indian art and archaeology at École de Louvre, from 1934 Director of D.A.F.A. Again carried excavations in Afghanistan – at Khair Khaneh and Begram – until 1939, when he joined the army as reserve captain. In March 1940 contact officer at French Embassy in Afghanistan, in the Eastern Mediterranean military district. Joined immediately the forces of France Libre, left Afghanistan in September, reached London and was given a mission in India, but was soon killed on board of Jonathan Holt in an enemy attack by a German submarine off the Spanish Atlantic coast (others: near Faroe Islands), at the age of 54. At the same time was also killed his wife and assistant —> Ria H. (née Parmentier, 1905–1941, married 1923).

Publications: With Chang Yi-chu: La peinture chinoise au Musée Guimet. 7+97 p. 16 pl. A.M.G. P. 1910.

L’art tibétain (Collection Bacot). 99 p. A.M.G. P. 1911; Les scènes figurées de la Vie du Bouddha d’après des Peintures Tibétaines. Mém. conçernant l’Asie Orientale. publ. par A.I.B.L. P. 1916.

Les collections bouddhiques. 175 p. 24 pl. P. 1923 (in Musée Guimet); La sculpture Indienne et Tibétaine au Musée Guimet. 24 p. 51 pl. P. 1931.

Edited & translated: Formulaire sanscrit-tibétain du Xe siècle. 130 p. Mission Pelliot 2. P. 1924.

– “Les Idoles du Kāfiristān”, Art. As. 1, 1925-26, 258-262.

With A. & Y. Godard; Les Antiquités Bouddhiques de Bāmiyān, avec des notes additionelles de M. Paul Pelliot. 115 p. 48 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 2. P. & Bruxelles 1928.

L’Œuvre de la Délégation française en Afghanistan. 1. Archéologie Bouddhique. 80 p. 61 fig. Tokyo 1933.

Recherches archéologiques en Asie Centrale (1931). 35 p. 26 pl. P. 1936.

With J. Carl: Nouvelles recherches archéologiques de Bāmiyān. 90 p. 84 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 3. P. 1933; Recherches archéologiques au Col de Khair Khaneh près de Kābul. 38 p. 24 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 7. P. 1936.

With R. Hackin: Le site archéologique de Bāmiyān. Guide du visiteur. P. 1934, German transl. 1939; Recherches archéologiques à Bégram. 1-2. 139 p. 78 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 9. P. 1939.

Articles in CRAI, JA, etc.

With others: Nouvelles recherches archéologiques à Bégram. 12+355 p. 668 fig. on pl. M.D.A.F.A. 11. P. 1954; Diverses recherches archéologiques en Afghanistan. 12+141 p. 268 fig. on pl. M.D.A.F.A. 8. P. 1959.

Sources: L.D.B[arnett], BSOS 10, 1940-42, 1067f.; *R. Grousset, “Un savant français”, Revue de Paris avril 1945, 78-95; A. Lods, CRAI 1944, 406-411; *R. Le May, AL N.S. 15, 1941, 50ff.; *J.-C. Muller, Joseph et Ria Hackin. Couple d’origine luxembourgeoise au service des arts asiatiques et de la France. Exposition du 11 novembre 1987 au 3 janvier 1988. Luxembourg 1987; F. Olivier-Utard, D.O.L.F. 475f.; *A. Roşu, “L’Œuvre de Joseph Hackin. Bibliographie”, BEFEO 55, 1969, 233-244; *G. Salles & J. Auboyer, Art. As. 9, 1946, 348-352; L. Woolley, Man 41, 1941, 90f.; *BEI 5, 1987, 65; www.ordredelaliberation.fr/fr/compagnons/joseph-hackin with photo; French Wikipédia with portrait; two photos in Nouvelles recherches … 1954 (above).

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