HAGEMANN, Gottfried. Hannover 17?? — Rome 1809. German pioneer of Indology. In Paris lived as a lodger in the house of Fr. Schlegel and together with his landlord became a student of A. Hamilton. Also learned Persian. He was fascinated with Sanskrit and longed to go to India. In order to earn money for this journey he accepted a post as the teacher of the children of the king of Naples, but died soon in Rome. In Paris he had copied many Sanskrit manuscripts and planned a career as an Indologist, but had no time to publish anything before his early death.
Publications: “Geschichte von Bahram Gur. Aus dem Persischen des Ferdusi”, Fr. Schlegel (ed.), Europa. Eine Zeitschrift 2, 1805, 47-62.
Sources: R. Rocher, Alexander Hamilton. 1968, 54; *C. G., Morgenblatt für gebildete Stände, Tübingen August 4, 1809, 737-738; not in A.D.B., N.D.B.
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