HAMILTON, John Herbert Fearnley. 1858? — Ratnapura 20.5.1894, when 36. British Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Peter H. Entered C.C.S. in 1879 and retired 12 years later as District Judge of Ratnapura (but Lewis lets us understand that he was still judge there when died). The list of baptisms at St. John in Preston, Lancashire, informs that the daughter of J. H. F. H. of C.C.S. and Elizabeth Austin was baptized there in 19.7.1889. Also Lewis confirms that he was “of Preston“ and the homepage of British India Society confirms that J. H. F. H. of Preston died on the date given above in Ratnapura.

Publications: Three Weeks in India: A Diary containing Notices of Calcutta, Benares, Agra, Delhi, Cawnpore, Lucknow, and Darjiling. 124 p. Colombo 1886.

– “Antiquities of Meḍamahanuwara” JRAS-CB 10:36, 1888 (1890), 310-325.

Sources: Death noted in JRAS-CB 14:46, 1895 and in J.P. Lewis, List of inscriptions on tombstones and monuments in Ceylon. Colombo 1913, 286; briefly J.R. Toussaint in Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon 23, 2934, 136f.

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