HARTING, Peter (Pieter Nicolaus Ubbo). Batavia (Jakarta) 15.1.1892 — Amsterdam 11.8.1970. Dutch Indologist and Linguist (English). After Gymnasium in Amersfoort studied at Utrecht (1918 M.A. in Dutch), in Indology student of Caland. Ph.D. 1922 Utrecht. In 1920-23 Reader in Dutch at University of London, also at Bedford College for Women, in 1923-25 Reader in Literature and Head of Department, U.L., also Taylorian Lecturer in Dutch at Oxford. In 1925-37 Professor of English at Groningen University, in 1933-37 also of Sanskrit, from 1937 Professor of English at Amsterdam University, retired 1962.

Publications: Diss. Selections from the Baudhāyana-gṛhya-pariśiṣṭa-sūtra. 34+67 p. Amersfoort 1922.

Sources: Wie is dat? 1938, 1956; not in Who’s Who in the Netherlands 1962/63; internet bibliography of Dutch Indology; Dutch Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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