HARTMAN, Sven Samuel. Högbo, Gävleborgs län 22.6.1917 — Balma (Haute-Garonne), France 2.4.1988. Swedish Scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in Åbo (Turku) and Lund. Son of Lieutenant-Colonel Carl August H. and Anna Victoria Karlsson, both of The Salvation Army. Matriculation from Stockholm in 1937, studies at Uppsala (M.A. 1944, M.Th. 1947, Lic.phil. 1949, Lic.theol. 1953, Th.D. 1954). In Iranian student of Nyberg, also of Wikander and Widengren. Docent i religionshistoria med religionspsykologi at Uppsala in 1953-61. School-teacher in Haparanda 1960-65. In 1965-69 Professor at Åbo Akademi in Åbo (Turku), Finland, then the first holder of the new chair of History of Religions at Lund. After retirement moved to France. Married Gun Barbro Flodberg.
Publications: Diss. Gayômart: Études sur le syncrétisme dans l’ancien Iran. 215+102 p. Uppsala 1953.
– “Yašts, jours et mois”, Or. Suec. 4, 1955, 34-42; “La disposition de l’Avesta”, Or. Suec. 5, 1956, 30-78; “Aspects de l’histoire religieuse selon la conception de l’Avesta”, Or. Suec. 13, 1964, 88-118; “Der grosse Zarathustra”, Or. Suec. 14-15, 1965-66, 99-117; “Der Name Ahura Mazdāh”, AAWG 3:96, 1975, 170-177; “Questions au sujet du ‘Temps’ de l’Avesta”, Acta Iranica 28. 1988, 289-297.
– “Dionysos and Heracles in India according to Megasthenes: a counter-argument”, Temenos 1, 1965, 55-64 (on Dahlqvist 1962).
– Parsism: The Religion of Zoroaster. 12+30 p. 48 pl. Iconography of Religions 14:4. Leiden 1980.
– Also wrote on comparative religion.
Sources: *A. Geels et al. (ed.), Religionsvetenskapliga studier: Festskrift till Sven S. Hartman. Religio 12. Lund 1983; Sundman, Åbo Akademis lärare och tjänstemän 1918–1968. Åbo 1968; Vem och vad? 1967; Swedish Wikipedia.
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