HATZIDAKIS, Georgios Nikolaou

HATZIDAKIS, Georgios Nikolaou (Γεώργιος Νικολάου Χατζιδάκις). Myrthios, Hagios Basileios dt., Crete 11./23.11.1848 — Athens 26.6.1941. Greek Linguist, Founder of Modern Greek Linguistics. Professor in Athens. Educated at village school. Like his father and grandfather, acted against Turkish rule and came in 1868 to Athens as refugee. Attended there the II Gymnasium in 1869-73. In 1873-77 studies at Philosophical Faculty in Athens. After graduating obtained a travelling grant and left for Germany in 1877. During four years studied Linguistics and Indology at Leipzig (Windisch, Curtius, Brugmann), Jena (Cappeller, Sievers, Delbrück) and Berlin (J. Schmidt). In spring 1881 returned to Athens and taught for a while at IV Gymnasium. From October 1881 eo. and from 1890 ord. Professor of Linguistics (Glossologia) and Indian philology at Philosophical Faculty. In 1905-06 he was Rector of his University, in 1926 Rector and organizer in the newly founded University of Thessaloniki, where he also taught in 1926-28. In 1927 President of Greek Academy.

As a scholar Hatzidakis was very productive. In addition to Greek, he dealt with Latin and also used Indian material in his comparative studies, though never published on it.

Publications: Einleitung in die neugriechische Grammatik. 11+464 p. Bibl. Indogermanischer Grammatiken 5. Lp. 1892.

Important books in Greek, on phonetics, history, etymology, etc.

Articles in Greek periodicals and in Berl. philol. Wochenschr., KZ, BB, Byz. Z., Glotta, REG, etc.

Sources: G. P. Anagnostopoulos, Meg. Ell. Egk. 24, 538 with photo; Wikipedia (more details, references and photo in German version).

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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