HAVELOCK, Henry. Bishopwearmouth (Sunderland), Durham 5.4.1795 — Dilkusha, Lucknow 25.11.1857. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. Major-General. Son of William H., a wealthy shipbuilder, and Jane Carter. “Educated at Swanscombe and the Charterhouse; entered the Middle Temple for the bar, but in 1815 went into the Army, studied military works diligently; to Calcutta in Jan. 1823, with the 13th Light Infantry. In 1824 he was nominated Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General of the Burma expedition, and, with an interval of sick leave, served until the conclusion of the war. In 1827 he was made Adjutant of the Depôt at Chinsura… Captain in 1838.” In 1838 participated in the Kabul expedition. In 1841 again in Kabul as Persian Interpreter to General Elphinstone. Returned to Jalalabad he endured the siege there. “At Maharajpur in 1843, and in the Satlaj campaign of 1845-6 under Sir Hugh Gough”, 1849-52 in England; “in 1854 Quarter-Master-General and in 1855 Adjutant-General. He commanded a Division in the Persian war of 1856-7, and was present at Muhamra. On his way from Bombay to Calcutta he was wrecked off Ceylon. From Calcutta, in June 1857, he hurried to Allahabad, and … occupying Cawnpur after defeating Nana Sahib on July 16, 1857, fought more engagements, and after three failures relieved Lucknow in Sep. 1857.” Waiting in Lucknow he fell ill and died, “before his baronetcy and pension reached him. They were both granted to his son, and an annuity to his widow. His statue is in Trafalgar Square.” In 1829 he, himself deeply religious, married the daughter of —> J. Marshman, Hannah Shepherd M. and adopted himself Baptism. Their son was General, Sir Henry Marshman, Baronet Havelock-Allan (1830–1897).
Publications: Memoir of Three Campaigns in Ava. 10+309 p. Serampore 1828.
– Narrative of the war in Afghanistan in 1838-39. 1-2. L. 1840.
– Memoirs of Major-General Sir Henry Havelock, K.C.B. Ed. by J. C. Marshman. 457 p. London 1860.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *W. Brock, A Biographical Sketch of Sir H.H. 1858; *Fr. Goodall, Oxford D.N.B.; *J. Pollock, Way to Glory: the biography of General H.H. 1963; R.H.V[etch], D.N.B. 25, 1891, 174-179; Wikipedia with two portraits and two statues.
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