CASTRO, João de. Lisbon 27.2.1500 — Goa 6.6.1548. Portuguese Nobleman, fourth Viceroy of Portuguese India. Second son of Álvaro de Castro, the civil governor of Lisbon, and Leonor de Coutinho. Originally he was destined for a church career and studied for this, but when 18 he went to Tangier and was knighted there. In 1535 he participated in the siege of Tunis and then returned to Lisbon. Around 1538 he left for India with his uncle Garcia de Noronha, in 1540 he served on an expedition to Suez. Back in Europe he commanded 1543 the fleet trying to clear the European Atlantic of pirates. In 1545 he was sent to India to replace Martim Afonso de Sousa as the Governor and 1547 as Viceroy of Portuguese India. In the end of his three years’ term he wanted to return to his estate in Sintra, but died before leaving Goa. Married Leonor Coutinho, two sons.During his travels he kept a detailed journal of his experiences and observations, with illustration, and gave valuable picture of India and Arabia. Unlike the most Portuguese he was also interested in Indian culture and religion.
Publications: D. Köpke (ed.), Primeiro Roteiro da Costa da India: desde Goa até Dio. 44+12+284 p. Porto 1843; J. de Andrade Corvo (ed.), Roteiro de Lisboa a Goa. 15+428 p. 14 pl. Lisbon 1882.
Sources: Wikipedia (more in *Portuguese version).
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