CHADWICK, Hector Munro. Thornhill Lees, Yorkshire 22.10.1870 — Cambridge 2.1.1947. British Linguist and Philologist. Professor in Cambridge. Son of Rev. Edward Ch. and Sarah Anne Bates. Educated at Bradford and Wakefield Grammar Schools, from 1889 studies at Cambridge. B.A. 1892, from 1893 Fellow at Clare, 1903-11 also Librarian of the College. In 1895 further studies under Streitberg at Freiburg. M.A. 1896. From 1910-12 Lecturer in Scandinavian at Cambridge, 1912-41 Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon. Retired 1941 and became Hon. Fellow of Clare, but because of war continued teaching. Hon. D.Litt. 1914 Durham. Hon. LL.D. 1919 St.Andrews. Hon. D.Litt. 1943 Oxford. Married 1922 his former student Nora Kershaw (1891–1972), from now on they worked together.
Chadwick began his career with languages, but eventually came to see linguistics more a help for understanding early history and religion, from the late 1920s also much interested in archaeology. Beside Germanic he was also interested in Celtic.
Publications: “The Origin of the Latin Perfect Formation in ui”, Bezzenb. Beitr. 20, 1894, 270-303; “Ablaut Problems in the Idg. Verb”, IF 11, 1900, 145-197.
– With Nora Ch.: The Growth of Literature. 1-3. Cambridge 1932-40 (about oral literature of Europe, Asia and Africa).
– The Nationalities of Europe and the Growth of National Ideologies. 8+209 p. Cambridge & N.Y. 1945.
– Mainly wrote on Old English and on Germanic religion.
Sources: Wikipedia with photo.
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