CORNYN, William S.

CORNYN, William Stewart. Vancouver 16.7.1906 — 15.3.1971. Canadian Burmese and Russian Scholar in the U.S.A. In 1922 moved to Los Angeles, worked as stock clerk, hall boy, and bookkeeper, 1924-28 insurance clerk in San Francisco. Studies at U.C.L.A., B.A. 1940, then at Yale, A.M. 1942, Ph.D. 1944. In WW II served in army language teaching and prepared textbooks. Married 1928 Sara Ellen Fetterman, one son, and 1937 Catherine McKee, two sons and one daughter.

Publications: “A Burmese Jātaka Commentary”, Language 29, 1953, 354-358 (Yale; also on Pāli, the comm. quotes gāthās in Pāli and explains them).

– Writings on Russian and on Burmese.

Sources: *A.M. Schenker, Slavic Review 30, 1971, 718f.;; Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 11 months by Admin


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