JENNINGS, James George. New South Wales 14.6.1866 — Penzance 1941. British or Australian Teacher in India. M.A. Oxford. Worked as teacher of English at Muir Central College in Allahabad (1898), between 1906-13 its Principal. Then director of publich instruction for Bihar and Orissa. C.I.E. 1919. Married, children.
Publications: From an Indian College. 119 p. 1898.
– Sakuntala of the Lost Ring. A Play in five Acts. 231 p. Allahabad 1902 (“with great freedom” adapted from Monier Williams’ translation).
– Vedantic Buddhism of the Buddha. A collection of historical texts translated from the original Pali. 117+679 p. L. 1947.
– Wrote on English language, literary studies, and own poetry.
Sources: Review of his 1947 book by E. J. Thomas, Philosophy 22, 1947, 275-277; stray notes in Internet (mostly books only).
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