JENSEN, Hans Mathias Detlef. Struvenhütten in Holstein 28.8.1884 — Rostock 4.8.1973. German (East) Linguist. Professor in Rostock. Son of Franz Jensen and Mathilde Schenck. Gymnasium in Flensburg, studies 1905-09 at Munich, Berlin and Kiel. Ph.D. 1909 Kiel. In 1909-27 gymnasium teacher in Odenkirchen, Hildesheim and Kiel. From 1921 PD at Kiel, 1927 ao. Professor of comparative linguistics there. From 1943 beamt. ao. Professor at Rostock. As a member of NSDAP lost his position in 1946 and taught Russian in Volkhochschule. In 1948 back at the university as Docent, 1950 again Professor and from 1953 full Professor of comparative linguistics (at Greifswald, says Wikipedia, but the position is confirmed in Rostock Catalogue), emeritus in 1957, but continued teaching until 1968. A many-sided scholar. Die Schrift is a much used handbook. Married.
Publications: Diss. Die Verbalflexion im Ayenbite of Inwyt. 65 p. Kiel 1908 (on medieval English).
– Sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 1. Studien zur Morphologie der polynesischen Sprachen, insbesondere des Samoanischen. 8+67 p. Kiel 1923.
– Neupersische Grammatik. 16+320 p. Idg. Bibl. Heidelberg 1931; Finnische Grammatik. 1. 79 p. Glückstadt 1934; further works on Danish.
– Geschichte der Schrift. 8+231 p. 303 ill. Hannover 1925; Die Schrift in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. 6+418 p. 445 fig. Glückstadt 1935, 2nd ed. 1958, 3rd 1969.
– With G. Jacob & H. Losch: Das indische Schattentheater. 64 p. St. 1931; with G. Jacob: Das chinesische Schattentheater. 15+130 p. Das orientalische Schattentheater 3. St. 1933.
– Kalidasa, Indiens grösster Dichter und sein Drama Sakuntala; ein Vortrag. 58 p. Rostock 1958
– Altarmenische Grammatik. 15+224 p. Idg. Bibl. Heidelberg 1959; Altarmenische Chrestomathie. 202 p. Idg. Bibl. Heidelberg 1964.
– Grammatik der Kanaresischen Schriftsprache. 187 p. Lp. 1969.
Sources: H. Cumme, WZRostock 8, 1958-59, 133f.; D.G.K. 8th ed. 1954; Brockhaus Enz. 17th ed. 9, 1970; Meyers Enz. Lex. 13, 1975; with photo; parents in; German Wikipedia.
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