JOHANNS, Pierre. Heinerscheid, Clervaux 1.4.1882 — Arlon, Belgium 8.2.1955. S.J. Father. Luxemburgian Catholic Missionary in India. Ordained priest 1914 in Louvain. Studied at Louvain (Leuven) and after war at Oxford. Th.D. Oxford. In November 1921 arrived at Calcutta, taught philosophy at St. Xavier’s and St. Mary’s Colleges, also at Kurseong, Darjeeling. In 1938 retired for health reasons to Belgium, where he trained future missionaries to India. In the 1940s taught Sanskrit at University of Namur.

Publications: Diss. The Agent Intellect in the Western and Eastern Philosophies. Oxford n.d.

La pensée religieuse de l’Inde. Trad. par L.-M. Gauthier. 227 p. Bibl. de la Fac. de Philos. & Lettres de Namur 14. Namur & P. 1952.

To Christ through the Vedānta. The Writings of Rev. P.J., S.J. 1-2. 20+596 p. Ed. by T. De Greeff. Bangalore 1955; further works and articles.

Sources: Wikipedia with photo and further references.

Last Updated on 8 months by Admin


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